.@Lexi has trailed all day, but she's giving it everything she has in her comeback effort! #SolheimCup pic.twitter.com/TShTSKnv4m — Golf Channel (@GolfChannel) August 20, 2017 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js That shot from Lexi turned that whole match around. She actually entered the 18th hole with a one shot lead, but ended up halving the match. Not bad after being 4 down after 9! Creamer was able to take her match vs Hall, and soon the US was on the cusp of victory!
.@angelyinlol halves her match and the USA retains the #SolheimCup2017!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/4AllXe7xro — #SolheimCup2017 🇺🇸🇪🇺 (@LPGA) August 20, 2017 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Alas, 18 year old Angel Yin (18 ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!) was able to halve her match and the US retained. Now there was a ton of highs throughout this tournament, but Lexi Thompson's comeback has to be the talk of the tournament. When I was watching this morning, I checked in on that score and had already conceded it to the Europeans. What Lexi did to come back and have a chance to win the match outright was nothing short of unbelievable. I thought I had a reason to doubt the 2nd best player in the world this morning, but Thompson sure did shut me up. With such a great win, its hard to find the negatives in the group for the Americans. However, if I had to pick one, I would say Michelle Wie did not have the best weekend. I know how well she has been playing recently, and her numbers in the Solheim Cup are fantastic, so I was a little disappointed with her play. She'll probably bounce back back and continue to play well for the rest of the year and into next year, but I expected more than 1-2-0 from her this weekend. Overall, I felt as though it was a great tournament for the Americans. The crowds came out strong to support the home team, and they were able to deliver. Its a great time to be a fan of the LPGA and the American team! PS: Juli Inkster and Annike Sorestam having a dance off is why the Solheim Cup is a great event and spectacle. Sure, it is competitive, but the women are out there still having fun. Just imagine if Darren Clarke and Davis Love III did this last year? Pandemonium would have broken out! Also need Sorestam to wear that hat all day every day from now on.
Now both captains! Yassssssss #championshipsunday #solheim2017 Join the party on @GolfChannel 👀 pic.twitter.com/xouefVaUHe — Chantel McCabe (@ChantelMcCabeGC) August 20, 2017 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js